Friday 1 March 2013

Hearing and not listening...

Let me pose a question. When was the last time that you listened to music? And I mean really listen to it, not just hearing a song playing in the background or music blaring out of your car stereo, but actually listen to it?

And I'm sure as you answer this question to yourself, the answer is going to be; "wow, it has been awhile...".
And the truth is, I have the exact same answer. I realised it this morning, when i started to do an assignment for varsity. As per my usual convention, i get all my books out, and turn on my iPod. But as I looked over my shoulder, my vinyl collection caught my eye, (that will be LPs' or records for the uniformed younger reader). And then I realised, wow it has been awhile. I started flipping through them and found Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here. I put it on and sat down and started to work...
 Or so i thought...
As the intro for Shine on you crazy diamond started playing my focus was shifted away from brand new varsity textbooks and documents open on my laptop, to a vast row of old and dusty records.

I  went to sit down in front of my collection, and started the long process of taking each one out, looking at the covers, taking in the graphics, reading the track listings on the back, remembering how each song sounded being played.
Needless to say it brought back many memories of sifting through charity shop boxes looking for rare and forgotten gems, printed on the almost lost beauty of vinyl.

But I digress, back to the point. Looking through all my vinyls made me realise again that I haven't just sat down and listened to the music like I used to, and I believe that I'm all the poorer for it. It's a sad thing to admit, but it's the truth.
People just let life rush past without sitting down and enjoying the music. And to be honest it doesn't matter what genre of music you enjoy listening to, be it hip-hop, rave, dub step, metal, rock or pop. just take the time sit down and listen, just listen to the music, don't just hear it.
Remember that the artist you are listening to, put a little bit of themselves into that song or album, it's a look into their being. They make music to be listened to, not just to be heard, (although it seems that some of them do just that...).

I know, from reading old music and record magazines that in the 70's and 80's people used to have "listening parties". All that you would do when going to this party is literally sit around and just listen to  the music of the day, how awesome is that?? I think this is a lost form of partying, all that people care about today is drinking, getting laid, with music way too loud for anyone to enjoy.
I myself am fortunate enough to say that i have done this once before and it has been the best "party" I've ever been to.

Well I can honestly say after today, purely just listening to music (and not getting any work done), I have made myself a promise, that everyday, after all is said and done, I'm going to sit down in my room, lock my door and just listen, even if it is just for an hour. Just to sit down and listen.
And I invite you to try and do the same, I can almost guarantee that you will be the richer for it.

just a little piece of great music for you...