Thursday 26 April 2012

winter is here

so technically, we are still in autumn here in sunny south africa, but the cold is coming fast, real fast.
and that only means one thing, winter is here...
no don't make the mistake i hate winter, i really despise the cold...

but there is one thing that makes winter bare able  for me, and that is when ladies break out the boots...

now for me there is nothing prettier than a girl wearing a nice pair of boots (except a lady in a summer dress), now may it be that they are flats, heels, ankle-, knee-, or thigh-high. it is damn hot.
so it is finally that time of year where the girls are gonna be suited and booted. yes please...

now seeing things like this on a cold morning, makes it almost bare able...
looks like this is going to be the season for me to be jolly again... ;-D

oh and this also means its time for me to pull out the old ass kicking boots again!!!

Friday 20 April 2012

I'm Back...

ok guys, back onto a serious note.

so the last week, was a crazy week to say the least...
but massive changes have been made, for the better.
i have left a lot of bad shit, and bad people behind me.

so firstly, i am not studying engineering anymore thank god for that, cause fuck, that sucked balls, I'm gonna start something new next year, so i will be back to make you fuck's lives miserable again, and yes i am also single again, but she is also now my best friend, and means the world to me...

but let me tell you this motherfuckers, the old bastard you all grew to hate and despise is back, and i aint gonna take no shit anymore kiddies...


Tuesday 17 April 2012


Mankind in his insatiable search for divine
Knowledge has discarded all biblical teachings

Realizing that the strength of religion is the repression of
All structures of religion have collapsed

Life prays for death
in the wake of the horror of these revelations

It was never imagined how graphic the reality that would
be known as the end
of creation
Would manifest itself

We believe all this chaos and atrocity can be traced
Back to one single event

We hold these truths to be painfully self-evident
All men are not created equal
Only the strong will prosper
Only the strong will conquer
Only in the darkness of Christ have I realized
God Hates Us All

you gotta love SLAYER!!!

Saturday 14 April 2012

e toll strike

so this post is long overdue, should've done it ages ago.

so a couple of weeks ago my mate mike comes up to me and says, listen dude I'm gonna go and take photos of the photos of the cosatu strike, do you wanna come with?

at first i was thinking screw that man, but then i decided to throw caution to the wind and go with him.
and i was so happy that i went. it was sick!!!

now upon getting there i did not know what to expect.
but holy shit it was amazing!! just the feeling of being there, all those people believing and fighting for the same thing. it was crazy, i really don't know how to explain it.
it was crazy, the only whit people there were us, and journalists. now I'm not being racist, but it was a weird feeling, to be brutally honest, i was a little bit scared. now the really crazy thing is, when you are standing there next to the road, the amount of dirty looks you get from the protestors, you can see they are talking about you, until they see, that you have a camera, all they want then, is their photo taken.

the photo above is mike taking photos next to the water cannon truck.

to the right is the one truck with a pa system on it, the truck where julius melema spoke his mind.

Sunday 1 April 2012


so it is finally here! Municipal Waste's new album is here, the fatal feast!
and good lord it is thrash up the whazoo!

the album kicks off with a minute long intro called waste in space, which really sets the mood for the album. after that the music stays true the original municipal waste sound that everyone knows and loves.
as with all the waste albums, they always have the humor element on their albums and once again it is there, with tracks like, idiot check, covered in sick/the barfer, you're cut off, and 12 step program. these songs give you a welcome break between the fast thrash off songs like, Repossession, unholy abductor, and residential disaster.

this is the bands first album on nuclear blast records, and also their longest album punching in at 38 minutes. the band might be getting a bit more professional but they have not lost that original thrash sound that we all love.

the official fatal feast video